34 weeks


Baby boy has dropped, he's been head down since like 28 weeks or so, but last Thursday I had two ultrasounds (one was just a BPP and the other was a rescheduled optional 3D ultrasound) and they were about 2 hours apart and it went from 'wow he's almost engaged with your cervix' to not being able to see his head he was so low. Now I've been getting mild cramps a few times a day and just kinda feel like he's trying to come early. (TMI here so skip this sentence if you don't like to hear about peoples sex lives: My boyfriend and I were having sex and he told me it felt different like he had to try a lot harder to stay in like I was looser or something. Idk if that could have to do with dilation or anything.) Due to gestational diabetes I'm expected to deliver between 37-38 weeks so maybe its a good thing he's getting ready? Just seems so early. I almost had an anxiety attack Saturday because I went to the bathroom at a restaurant and could not get off the toilet seat for a solid 5 minutes and I was terrified I went into early labor.