Birth affirmations !


Birth affirmations

* I trust my instincts.

* I am present. I am doing this. We are doing this.

* I trust my body to know what to do.

* I feel confident. I feel safe. I feel secure.

* Each surge of my body brings my baby closer to me.

* I am surrounded by love and support.

* I am prepared to meet whatever turns my birthing takes.

* I relax and my baby relaxes with me.

* I breathe deeply and I am calm.

* The same love and desire I feel toward life I feel toward my baby’s birth.

* My baby trusts me, and I trust this process.

* I have great trust in myself and my capabilities.

* I am relaxed and happy that my baby is finally coming.

* Birth is powerful. I will let it empower me.

* I am fierce but flexible.

* I am strong and capable.

* I can’t stop the waves, but I can learn to surf.

* I feel good and I am beautiful, inside and out.

* Waiting for the birth of my baby is an experience of serene joy.

* With each deep breath, I feel better and better.

* You're Going to Be a Great Mother.

* I can breath through this contraction

* The joy is coming

* I accept this pain to enter my baby into the world.

* My baby will be born at the perfect time

* Each surge of my body brings my baby closer to me

* My body knows how to birth my baby

* I was made for this

* My mind and body are relaxed

* Just breath

* Let go

* The more I relax, the more my body softens & expands

* Today, 300,000 women will be giving birth with me.