Numbers, IUI, thoughts?


So, recently my husband and I went to a fertility specialist as we’ve been trying for like 2 years. He was on testosterone and we figured out that can decrease sperm tremendously. I got all my blood taken and he did a SA. My blood work came back, and the only thing the dr was a little concerned about was my FSH, which was 3.95 and he likes to see it at >5. He thinks possibly my eggs aren’t growing fast enough. Also, my TSH was .099 (I have hypo) so he lowered my dosage. My husband on the other hand, his SA came back off the charts, GOOD! Like 220 million, 86% motility. I’m going in tomorrow for the Saline Infusion Sonogram. 🤞🏼 but if nothing is wrong with that, everything basically looks perfect to conceive. However, we are going to try <a href="">IUI</a> next month! Anyone get pregnant 1st try? Obviously everyone is different, I just want some insight to what’s to come. Thanks y’all! And baby dust to everyone! 🤞🏼✨