Should I text him?

We are FWB but we also would hangout, cuddle, watch movies, get drinks, text 24/7 etc even without the sex. We had really good conversation on a daily basis. We would talk on the phone for hours. Well we had a heated conversation a couple weeks ago because I was being extremely needy and he said some mean things and ended up saying “we’re just going to keep it as good friends ✌🏽🤟🏽” and sent a long paragraph afterwards saying I’m always incorrect on his feelings and intentions. I never responded to his messages because they hurt me deep inside. Like deep to a place I didn’t know could hurt. I’m still really hurt by it. I really thought he liked me because like I said, he would like me texting him back, coming to his house and when his friends would ask him if they could go for me because they liked me he would tell them no they need to chill and back off.

Should I text him? At this point it’s been about two weeks and I just miss him so much. I don’t know if it’s pride keeping me from responding or if I’m just really hurt. Please don’t comment that I’m stupid or make fun of me. This man really hurt me by sending that text and basically walking out on me. I was starting to get needy because I wanted more from him and it upset him but now I’d rather have him in my Life as a friend than not at all. We have been through so much. Even a miscarriage earlier this year.