Could it ever work with different cultures?

I’ll start by saying I am white and he is Latino. His family does speak English but not well and I do not speak Spanish. I’ve gone to a party with him and no one spoke English so I couldn’t really socialize. Everyone was SO sweet and caring and still made sure I was having a good time, made sure I ate and was just so welcoming and I tried my best to communicate and I just really adored them all. It really showed me that it doesn’t matter if you speak the same language or not, kindness and respect is so universal even in small gestures . I’m so into this man but I fear our differences will turn him off from me 🥺 I am trying to learn how to communicate with his friends and family more and learn his culture more- not even just for him but for me as well. But it takes time. Do you guys think it could still work even tho we have such big differences? I’m sorry if this offends anyone. That is not my intention. I know speaking about cultures can be a sensitive topic.