Ovalation day was last week.🤩



But the cycle told me that I’m pregnant is this app true or fake cause I had my last period 26th , & it’s says I’m 1 week & 1 day pregnant is the <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">glow app</a> real 😌

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Posted at
Uhhh... So gestational age is counted from the first day of your last period. If you are less than two weeks pregnant.... You literally haven&#x27;t conceived yet 😂. So unless Glow can predict the future, I think you accidentally entered something in the wrong place. Perhaps you entered your positive ovulation test as a positive pregnancy test?


🇨🇦 • Sep 7, 2021
She&#x27;s a troll lol


Ha • Aug 29, 2021
You literally below just told me it was the 18th, and earlier said you had your period on the 26th. I think you should talk to a Dr.


Amber • Aug 29, 2021
Ok, but if you are then date of conception that the app is using is wrong. The first two weeks of pregnancy are basically a placeholder, you literally are not pregnant during the first two weeks.


Posted at
I think you’re confused somewhere. If the app is telling you you’re 1week 1 day pregnant you entered something wrong. The earliest you can get a pregnancy result is around 4-5 weeks. I hope you do end up getting pregnant but it’s impossible to know yet


Posted at


Posted at
An app can’t tell you if you’re pregnant.


Jessie • Aug 30, 2021
Did u miss a period.?


Jessie • Aug 30, 2021
You need to take a pregnancy test around 10-11 dpo so to too ok the day it said you ovulated and count 10 days a take a test every other day. For the next week


Jennifer • Aug 29, 2021
If you ovulated last week, then a test wouldn’t be positive yet. Implantation doesn’t happen until 6-7 DPO. You can take a test around 9-10 DPO.


Posted at
Literally the ONLY way to know IF you are pregnant is by taking a PREGNANCY TEST!!! so unless you got a positive hcg test you are not pregnant and just clicked the wrong button on an app.


Posted at
And just because an app said you ovulated doesn&#x27;t mean that you actually did. The app is just an estimation you could ovulate earlier, later, or not at all.


Posted at
I wouldn&#x27;t follow pregnancy apps. I&#x27;d go with science. OPK are really good at prediction of ovulation. That&#x27;s how I got my daughter and soon my son at the end of October.


Posted at
You clicked and turned on that your pregnant lol app don&#x27;t do it by itself 😂 🤣 doubt you took a pregnancy test since glow told you that you&#x27;re pregnant


Posted at
Was your last period the 26th of August or July?


Ha • Aug 29, 2021
Ok so the app will only predict when you may ovulate. The only way the know for sure is if you confirm that with ovulation tests or if you track you bbt. Also the app doesn&#x27;t tell you you&#x27;re pregnant unless you have entered that manually. Maybe you have done this by accident. You will nest to test with a pregnancy test or confirm with a DR to know you are actually pregnant


lurline • Aug 29, 2021
I ovulated last week on the 18TH &amp; my fertility cycle went high &amp; now my app says I’m pregnant


Ha • Aug 29, 2021
I think you may be confused. Either way, if you had you period on the 26th its highly unlikely you are pregnant. If you ovulated on the 26th it won&#x27;t be likely you&#x27;ll know if you are pregnant for another 7 days at least. The app won&#x27;t tell you that you are pregnant. The only way to know is if you confirm with a positive pregnancy test, again that won&#x27;t be likely for another week.