
I’ve been in my current relationship for a little over 2 years. I have a daughter from my previous relationship and he has a son also from a previous relationship and together we have a 7 month old daughter. I moved into his house the beginning of 2020 and we’ve definitely had our struggles. I’ve been a stay at home mom since July of 2020 by choice. He’s recently had to get a second job to pay for an attorney and legal fees. His first job he works from 6pm-430am and his second job he works 1-2 times a week usually sundays because it’s his off day from the first job. So there’s days where he hasn’t slept in over a day almost 2. The past 2 months he’s been complaining that I don’t do anything that I need to get a job he says that I have it easy and should stop being so mad all the time. Granted I am mad all the time. He comes from a family of 7 so he always tells me how easy it is to take care of kids. We have sex once a week maybe even every two weeks so both of us pleasure ourselves on our own time. I caught him once and I felt so insecure because he’s not romantic at all. We don’t kiss unless he’s going to work and we don’t hold hands so when I caught him I just felt like shit. He sleeps on the couch in the living room. We haven’t been on a real date since before I moved in. We’ve never been to a restaurant to eat. Whenever I tell him how I feel he’ll act like he understands then the next day acts like we never had the conversation. When I bring it up again he blames it on being stressed out from having court and working the two jobs that he’s tired and I understand but it’s been like this for awhile. He’s only had court 1 time in the last 2 months so it’s a new issue and he’s only been working his second job for the past 2 months. He’s been blaming being tired and stressed out from his job for the last year. He complains that the house is messy but never picks up after himself. I ask him to throw the trash and he doesn’t. I feel like I’m always nagging about something and I’m not happy. I don’t have help with anything other than him paying the bills. I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel like my daughters deserve more. I feel like they should see me happy not crying all the time. Do you guys have any advice? I feel like I’m just looking for more excuses.