Bedwetting and sleepovers update

My son is having a sleepover Friday. He's having 3 friends over. They're all teenagers. One of the boys mom messaged me saying she just wants me to know her son wetd the bed. I asked what I could do to make him more comfortable and does he wear anything. She said he doesn't wear anything and she doesn't know what I can do and just do whatever.... That's not helpful.. Any mom's or dads with advice on how to make sure EVERYONE had fun

Edit: Idk if they know. Didn't want to ask my son Incase he didn't.

Update: So I decided to ask my son and he said "Yeah I already know". Apparently during sleepovers at other friends house he always would share a sleeping space with him because my son is his only friend who knew. He said his friends pissed on him plenty of times and he doesn't care. He's just the only friend who knows.