Confused, annoyed, frustrated, the works

Bekah • 🎀1/23/2020🎀 🎀11/04/202🎀

Okay so long story, you might want to buckle up:

I have been tracking my periods and ovulation for close to a year now because I wanted to go off birth control (hormones were messing me up).

I have gotten pretty good with tracking, and things have been regular and normal (30 day cycle, ovulate around the 15th or 16th).

this past month (beginning of August) my husband and I decided that we were going to start TTC baby #2, and I was really excited because I have been ready for AWHILE and I was letting him get comfortable with the idea. I figured things would be easy because I had been tracking and knew my patterns pretty well. So at the beginning of the month I decide to start also taking my bbt to help monitor things as well as testing with LH strips

I have always had some problems with cervical mucous (don’t produce a whole lot) so I figured “hey, evening primrose oil is supposed to help with fertile mucous, I’ll start that this month to help our chances!!”

so I start taking it and get ready for my ovulation day. Well cycle day 12 rolls around and my LH test strips are testing at 0. Which is definitely not normal. Usually they are starting to get darker by then. By cycle day 16 I was still at nothing and was starting to get really worried. I do more and more research and find out that some women do not get the benefits of EPO, and it can delay ovulation by 3-5 days.

so needless to say I was upset with myself for messing up something already pretty normal and just frustrated with the whole situation.

well I finally started testing darker on the LH strips and get a peak test on cycle day 20. I figured I’d ovulate on cycle day 21 considering I got my peak on day 20.

Well I’m now on cycle day 23 and fertility friend is now saying I ovulated on cycle day 18 and I just had a massive temp drop this morning. So did I ovulate three days past my peak strip? Or did I ovulate before my peak strip and my LH strips were not accurate?

has anyone had anything like this happen before?

attached is my bbt for my AVA wearable tracker. I was taking my bbt orally, but it got all messed up because my sleep has been all over the place and my temps were very rocky. So I switched back to my Ava on cycle day 16.

im just so confused, and overthinking everything because I had so much riding on this month.

If you’ve stuck with me this far, bless you. I guess I really just needed to vent and get it all out. Any advice, well wishes, similar stories, etc are very appreciated. Thanks! And baby dust to you