fertility reading confirmation 🌻


i had a reading done before we were actively ttc.

she said June/July & told me to look for lions & sunflowers.

started my period July 26, ovulated August 15, bfp on August 25.

i kept seeing sunflowers & lions. our home football team (Steelers) played the Detroit Lions while i thought i was having implantation cramping at 7dpo.

at 8dpo i asked my tarot deck if i was pregnant & pulled the Queen of Wands 💙 (surrounded by lions & sunflowers)

vfl at 9dpo & my bfp at 10dpo.

have faith in your reading. months can be the start of a cycle, when you ovulate, when you get a bfp, your edd, your anatomy scan, your first US.

i had another done that said September/October & my first scan will be the last week of September likely followed by a follow up one in October.

baby dust ladies 💙

baby #️⃣2️⃣ making their entrance May 2022🥰