Bfp bleeding faint bfp 🤷🏻‍♀️

Rachel • Married to my better half, Mommy to a beautiful baby boy born 11/17/16, baby in Heaven MC 12/12/18, Baby girl Born 10/21/19.

Has anyone had an obvious bfp, then bled for a couple days and still had faint bfp and been ok? I’m going to the doctors tomorrow so I’ll hopefully get some answers. But I got a positive pregnancy test a week and a half ago, started bleeding 2 days after that assumed I had a miscarriage, didn’t test for a week and tested a few days ago and got a faint bfp. I was less than 4 weeks when I got positive tests and about 3.5 weeks when I bled, 4 weeks when I got another faint bfp. I feel like my tests should be darker by now. But I’m also just not wanting to accept I had a 3rd miscarriage... just trying to prepare myself for my appointment tomorrow.