Confused 😕

Hilary • 35, 🇨🇦, Mother of a wonderful 9 year old and now 10 weeks pregnant with another. 🥰 Love and luck to you all ❤️

My period is two days late, but I’ve been spotting. Only seeing light pink or brown when I wipe. My periods are always regular and never weird like this. Also for the past two weeks I’ve been experiencing so many pregnancy symptoms; cramping, over emotional, tender breasts and very nauseous. I’m thinking maybe my anxiety is contributing to some of these symptoms, but you know when you want something so bad….

I have myself thinking I may be pregnant, but the spotting is throwing me off, as well as I’m still cramping. It’s not a period yet so that is giving me hope, but I also feel it’s coming. I’m driving myself insane!