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Based on temps, it looks like I ovulated on the 2nd or 3rd (still will have to see one more temp tomorrow). However, I got a solid smiley on my digital opk on the night of the 3rd and a positive cheapie opk on the morning of the 4th. So that would indicate I ovulated late yesterday or will today. I’m a little worried mouth breathing at night might be affecting temps and also I take them an hour later on the weekends because I like to sleep in, so I know that it has the triangles because of that. Also discarded a temp on the 29th because it was elevated due to drinking the night before.

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Posted at
I’m thinking ovulation on the 3rd


Kimberly • Sep 6, 2021
Everyone is different. Some people ovulate 12 hours to anywhere up until 48 after peak.


LK • Sep 5, 2021
So my opks were definitely negative until the last one around 9 pm where it was close but maybe not quite positive. Don’t you ovulate 12-36 hrs after peak?


Posted at
BBT always over OPK.


Posted at
I’m thinking ovulation was on the 2nd.


Kimberly • Sep 6, 2021
I would. BBT confirms ovulation, OPK just predicts it.


LK • Sep 6, 2021
So I should rely on the BBT over the OPK?