So proud of my husband

At dinner earlier my husband came clean about his problem with alcohol. He told me everything; that he had been drinking at work and while driving to each job site. He never really drinks at home.. He usually falls asleep after dinner and I always chalked it up to his labor intensive job and long hours. there's a liquor store right across the street from our house and the guys that work there are about his age. They hit it off and eventually they started giving him free shots. He said he had been taking at least 10-12 a day.. I'm so heartbroken, but glad at the same time that he has admitted he has a problem. He asked me to help him and hold him accountable, and I most definitely plan on it. I didn't know it had gotten this bad.. He started crying and apologizing for putting so much at risk and he kept begging me not to be mad. Honestly, I was the complete opposite. I couldn't be more proud of him. 👊🏼