Wtf i dont understand this relationship

Im lucky my boyfriend has sex with me even 10 times a year.. no matter what i do it never happens till hes ready for it and then he finishes to quickly so im always left with nothing.. ive tried to talk with him about it and he never tries anything different.. he isnt even affectionate or loving or shows me anything except for a kiss every now and then and an i love you we live together and been together for 3 1/2 years we have a kid together and it was like this before i got pregnant but i got pregnant so early in our relationship.. the first 2 weeks perfect after that he was like a completely different person.. hes only ever held my hand once and thats cause i bitched for months saying he hasnt ever even done that.. he doesnt comfort me when i cry ever and usually tells me its my fault why im hurt in the first place.. ive told him i am done cant keep trying and giving ultimatums with no change and he just up and ask me if we can go to family counseling.. im like really do u think that will make u more like a boyfriend than a roommate he answers no but it will make u see how wrong u are about everything.. i do everything for this man.. he doesnt have to do anything for himself and our kid i do it all and he sees me as being the wrong one... i used to use sex and lack there of over him and it still didnt change he never has foreplay with me its always me touching him and then he proceeds to get his he even down right said i force sex on him and we dont even average 10 times a year.. so at one point i was like u dont give me attention or affection atleast have sex with me so i can feel like u need or want me just something... i dont mind doing everything as i know he cant cause hes always in pain due to a car accident years ago so he doesnt work change diapers nothing.. but before we got together we have been friends for about 15 years and we talked a while before we started dating he told me he loved to snuggle and all these lies about how affectionate and loving he is.. yeah for the first 2 weeks then nothing since.. my feelings are so hurt because of how he has been but a lot has gone one since may... we got into a car accident so now he has even more pain added onto him.. hes had doctors appointments to get injections ect and might have to have surgery.. his 23 year old cousin that everyone says is his twin cause they look so much alike committed suicide about a month or 2 after the car accident.. but before his cousin passed his dad fell very ill but has been sick for years with copd.. we live with his mom and dad and ive pretty much became the maid for everyone.. im the only one to clean cook take care of my kid help out with everything i can so i cant work since his mom is disabled as well but his dad just passed away November 1st which i havent bothered him with anything cause that was hard for him and everyone.. we recently got into this huge fight where he ran calling everyone he knew and i could hear him talk so much crap about me putting me down... i have no friends no family here nothing and everyone he knows i know but i could hear him on the phone calling me a fat ass lazy dont do anything around here dont even take care of our kid that he does it all and then tells them i beat out kid... i do everything i cook clean laundry feed our kid bathe our kid get our kid ready every day change her diapers play all the time with our kid and im telling u he doesnt do anything to help me nothing but watch her an hour as she runs through the house while in cooking and washing all the dishes thst everyone wants to use but no clean.. then i call my mom cause at this point im upset and im a very private person i never call my family or talk to them about problems going on and i tell my mom whats going on and she calls him to talk to him and he just goes off on her him and his mom both cuss my mom out call me up unfit abusive lazy ect and then tells my mom if i leave here i cant take my kid with me.. his mom just lays in bed all day drugged up and been like this since day 1 of meeting her shes cooked dinner maybe 4 times in 3 1/2 years she down right does nothing.. yes she supports us cause we dont work but i have wanted to work once ive moved in its just i became a maid then got pregnany and no one would hire me then stayed to raise and take care of my kid noe i cant trust they would even feed her if i wasnt here and i left her in their care.. i feel like a hostage like maybe they will take my kid and hide her if i go to leave.. i cant live without her shes everything to me id rather die than live without her i love her so much and hes never gonna change his friends anf family will never like me because of the crap he says about me which is all lies.. family counseling really? Wtf