Help pls

So there's this guy and we are basically going out and everyone knows it and he tells me he loves me and everything like a boyfriend does but he never sees me anymore. We used to hang out at least once a week (while we were at school) and now we haven't hung out for over a month and school has been finished for that time and we both have our licence so it's not like we can't but whenever I ask to hang out he either has something on or the day of our plans he cancels and now I just don't know what to. I've tried talking to him about it and all I get back is that he is sorry and he knows he is "very unreliable", nothing has changed in the way that we talk and he still tells me he loves me and gets jealous over other boys and everything. He tells me that he wants to see me but then why does he always cancel and never actually does anymore? 😔😔