Possible pregnancy?

So, I can't get to the pharmacy until next week (we live 2 hours away from town, yay country life haha)

But it's driving me up the wall.

So there is a definite good chance not pregnancy. It isn't planned if I am, but for sure a welcomed Bubba if so!

I'm nursing #2 who is one. My cycles are all over the fuckin place. So going by last period makes zero sense and is like 2 months prior to sex haha.

Within the week after sex I had cramps, I figured period was finally coming. It didn't for another month. It wasn't crazy heavy, I figured normal period (but I had bleeding with my first baby so hm) and now a week after that "period" I'm having some nausea, can't be what I've eaten because my husband, and both kids ate it as well and they were all fine.

Going off of last sex was about 7 weeks ago. So if that was the week we conceived, I would definitely have a BFP by now, but the wait is killing me...

Similar stories? Both pregnancies right around when I found out I was pregnant I got super sick for like a few days and then that was it. So this is settin off some bells.

Don't need anyone to say "just test!" Cause.dont worry I.will be lol, just wanna hear some stories, false or positives to keep me.occupied while I wait 🙂