Gestational diabetes

I'm super frustrated. The OB nurse (who isn't the brightest crayon in the box) calls yesterday to tell me I failed my glucose test. Doesn't give me a whole lot of insight. Then tells me that she needs to check with my doctor about whether to schedule my for the 3-hour test or just put me on the diet but that won't be for 2 days. I ask her what I'm supposed to do between now and then.....she says to cut back on carbs. I already don't eat a ton of carbs. I also took the test 2 days after my sister's wedding. I didn't have any direction for the test other than don't eat after 9pm. Neither my husband nor I can figure out what the huge issue is because everything says "fat baby". I'm having twins for chrissake! I'd love them to both be above 5 lbs at birth. Greater chance of c-section.....that's already likely and getting scheduled. Oh and I forgot to mention that despite my taking nexium, I have terrible reflux. I can't eat bananas, edamame, lettuce, spinach, cabbage, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, or nuts because I choke it all back up. Argh! Any insights, ideas, anything on what I can do or eat???? I work full time and prep time for foods are limited.