Any ivf success stories?

Hey girls, any of you lovely ladies had any success stories that could give me some hope. I'm starting <a href="">ivf</a> next month to help with unexplained infertility. Husband and I are both healthy. We are seriously thinking of paying to have our embryos tracked with time lapse photography which is a new technique to look at their development and see which ones are the best. Hoping and praying this works. 
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For 360 - that's a no brainer. I would absolutely do it. Hopefully you will have a lot of eggs and can catch the best ones.&nbsp;​​The uk system is awesome. We get zilch.&nbsp;&nbsp;


Sazza • Mar 6, 2014
Yeah we're lucky really although the stupid government are trying to privatise loads of it. :-( good luck ladies xx


Posted at
Sorry to clarify, NHS is our national health service so I get one round free. Guidelines say anything up yo three free but it just depends on the area you live in if they're willing to fund it. I could have IUI free for a few goes after if the embryos are good quality and we're just unlucky with the first round.&nbsp;


Posted at
Thanks girls needing a boost. My sister I law just have birth this am and it's been pretty hard for me the whole struggling for years with no answers as to why I can't conceive naturally :-( I get one round on the NHS, the tracking is £360 so think we'll go for it. Xx


Posted at
Ohh, do it! I just saw that demoed at an exhibit and it looked fascinating. I did my IVF the old-fashioned way and have two little ones. Let me know if you have any questions.&nbsp;​​How much more is the time-lapse thing?&nbsp;&nbsp;


Posted at
We had severe male infertility and had IVF ICSI. Transferred one embryo and it took! We have a sweet 2 year old boy. We also have frozen embryos we plan on using if we haven't conceived naturally by Aug. With all the technology out there your chances are high!