What should I do now?


Sorry for the long post. I'm just looking for some feedback here on a recent doctor visit. I'm 33 and have never been pregnant. My husband and I have been TTC for a little over 1 year. I went to my PCP for a checkup and labs about 2 months ago. My labs were fine and she suggested trying basal body temp monitoring. I've already been tracking my cycle with apps, monitoring cervical mucus, doing ovulation testing. My cycle is very regular and my BBT has jumped as expected. I had an appt with an OB/GYN fertility specialist back on Sept 2nd. When I made the appt, the front desk girl said that I just needed to bring my insurance and come 15 min early for paperwork. We live 1.5 hours away from a town with a specialist so it's hard to miss work to go. I went by myself and sat in a waiting room filled with several pregnant women feeling like such a huge failure. I went in with the nurse and she did all the usual things I expected. I said that I had a positive ovulation test that morning, and she said there could be something we could do with that. The doctor came in and asked if we have really given it a good effort for a year. I said yes and I've done everything I know to do but need some extra help. She said of course she would help and 90 percent of women will get pregnant in 2 years. She did a pelvic exam since it had been awhile since my last PAP. She said she would write for lab orders to check hormone levels at certain days of my cycle and then go from there on treatment. That treatment includes clomid and HCG injections. We could also do a sperm test which is $200 (and up) to check my husband. She also said it was lucky that I had I positive ovulation test that morning. She could do a transvaginal ultrasound and maybe give an injection to induce ovulation if that looked good. I said sure let's try that if she thought it would be good. She said that insurance didn't cover the shot but they would submit everything else to insurance. I did the ultrasound and she said my uterus was a nice thickness and all looked good. She said we could do a pregnyl shot if I wanted. I agreed to that and the nurse gave me the shot in my booty. When we were done, the nurse asked if I had signed a form on payment which I had not done. She said for me to go to the business office in the next building to sign it. I went to the next building and the lady said that I needed to pay for the visit today upfront. I was confused and caught off guard. I asked why it didn't get sent to my insurance first like ever other visit I've been to. She said that there was a new girl who forgets to tell people this policy. They'll send it to the insurance and will keep the balance on hand for the next treatment that insurance won't cover. The fee schedule she wanted me to sign right then said

Consult fee: $95-455

Tansvaginal US:$145-280

Injection fee: $45

(There was 25 lines of expensive fees but those were just this visit.)

I looked at that and thought that I'll have to pay around $780 at most for this visit which I wasn't mentally prepared for. I didn't think I had an option so I signed the sheet that said I will pay for all treatments on the day of appt even though I thought they should've let me know ahead of time. She send me back to the other building to make a payment. The visit was actually $400 and the shot was separate at $101. I left that appt with just a bad taste in my mouth. I thought I might get more counseling from the doctor or new suggestions to try. I have the money and I know fertility treatments are expensive. I just had a bad feeling about the visit and how it ended. My husband was not happy when he heard and said they're just trying to take advantage of desperate women. He wouldn't have paid them that day but would pay the bill after insurance was billed. He thinks it was 3 hours of driving and $500 bucks wasted in an afternoon. He said we should go to another doctor who's not trying to be shady and money hungry. He's usually very supportive and positive before this all happened.

Now we're just waiting to see if the shot was successful which is the hardest part. I just don't want to start all over with a new doctor. I thought maybe we should check my husband's sperm first before I get any injections after I left the appt. I don't know if I would've agreed to treatment if I knew I had to pay upfront and just got my husband's sperm checked first instead. I'm trying to be positive but what will a shot do if there's no good sperm? Did I really need a shot to induce ovulation if it seems like I'm ovulating regularly on my own? Is that normal treatment that I got? What should I do next? Get a new doctor, continue with this doctor or just give up? I just feel down and lost. Please be gentle in the comments, I'm fragile.