Tax question


Idk what category to put this random, maybe stupid, question under so here it is lol

So 2021 is the first year I have not worked. Come tax time in January, am I able to still file taxes? Lol. I have 3 kids that I always claim/and I file HOH. I know people who don't work can't file taxes, right? So what do I do ...just do nothing and skip this year? won't I get in trouble for not filing? If I file and claim my kids but have no income...won't they audit me and be like how tf did you take care of 3 kids and no job? I won't have any income to report (did not receive unemployment) I've been surviving off the stimulus payments. I didn't work because I went on maternity leave and never returned to work due to covid / no daycare ...if that matters.

Help. Lol.