Holy cow!! Happy Monday everyone!!! 😅

I swear Monday’s for me are the devil. They’re so chaotic!!!

I am a nanny and I swear Monday’s are always the worst because the kids are coming down from the excitement of being with their parents all weekend and then having to go to school and be away from them the whole day
 so they’re usually grumpy and also like to push boundaries as most kids do. But this morning was a complete shit show!!

I get to work at 7am which is an hour earlier then I usually arrive because the mom had to open at her work today.

I walk in to the dad yelling at the 5 year old because the 4 year old laughed at her so she started screaming at him and tried hitting him.

Then the 8 year old, 5 year old, and 4 year old all came downstairs to brush their teeth and the 4 year old spit his toothpaste all over the 8 year old.

Then the 8 year old started demanding that the 4 year old cleans up his mess and the 4 year old refused.

So I walked into the bathroom with paper towels to clean off the sink and make sure that he apologized

Meanwhile the parents are both upstairs during all of this

While all of this is going on, the 5 year old won’t leave the 4 year old alone and is following him around the house literally trying to start fights with him so I had to make the 5 year old finish getting ready for school in another room.

Then the dad comes downstairs and reminds the 4 year old he was supposed to be getting his shoes on (I didn’t know this) and the 4 year old walks over to his toys and starts playing with his toys instead.

So the dad started giving him warnings and what not because he didn’t even have socks on so he sent him upstairs to get socks on where he once again didn’t listen and started playing with toys in his room

The 5 year old was upstairs and started screaming at him to put socks on after her dad told her a million times this morning to leave him alone

The 4 year old comes down stairs with socks and shoes on

The 5 year old follows and yells at the 4 year old for beating her down the stairs

The 5 year old tells me she’s going to go get in the van and I had to correct her and tell her she wasn’t taking the van because 1) they never take the van (literally never) and 2) I was taking the van because I had to take the 4 year old to preschool

The 8 year old went outside with her and even told her not to get in the van because they were taking their dads car
 which is the car they take literally every morning

The 5 year old likes to pretend like she doesn’t hear you.. and it sounds harsh to say this but she likes to play stupid sometimes and I know that sounds horrible to say it in that way but that’s truly what she does. For example: you could tell her she needs to grab something that’s right in front of her and she will purposely pretend she has no idea what you’re talking about and look in the wrong direction or even leave the room and come back with something that’s not even close.

So this morning she pretended like she couldn’t hear me or the 8 year old tell her to get in the correct car and was like “okay!” And gets in the wrong car (I also didn’t see her do this by the way
 I was attending to the 9 month old)

The dad comes out and gets in his car and almost leaves without her and the 8 year old explains that she and I both told the 5 year old which car to get into and she refused to listen
 then the 4 year old starts crying because he thought his fad was taking him to school so he runs outside and I go after him and while I’m grabbing him I hear the dad yelling at the 5 year old for not listening to me

Meanwhile the mom is still upstairs during all of this

She comes down to grab her lunch for work doesn’t even say goodbye to the 4 year old or tell him to have a good day at preschool even though it’s his first day of preschool!!!

I ask for the address because it’s a different preschool than her other 2 kids have gone to and she said she would text it to me

I wait till I know she’s at work and text her to ask for the address again and don’t get a response. I tried calling her, texting the dad, and even texting the grandma and couldn’t get a response from any of them

I get the 9 month old into his car seat and carry it out to the car to find out that the car seat I put him in is for the dads car and the one for the van is already in the car 😑 so I had to switch him and bring the car seat back into the house which just wasted more time.

Drop off was at 8:20 and I didn’t get an address till 8:35 and the preschool was 7 minutes away. So this poor 4 year old is over 20 minutes late for his first day of preschool

I get down the street from their house and realize we don’t have his backpack so I have to turn around

Get the backpack and start heading there and realize once I pulled in that he didn’t have his mask

Dropped him off anyway because I had no other choice and the mask ended up not being an issue because they have extra (thank god)

And then finally head home with the 9 month old.

Guys I was so anxious that once I brought the 9 month old inside and was able to calm down and get him playing with toys and what not I took a breather to calm myself and I literally threw up because I had so much anxiety. I absolutely hate being late but on top of being late, nothing was going right.

I’m sorry this post was so long.. I just can’t believe how chaotic this morning was!!!