

Ladies, I am STRUGGLING with severe morning sickness. I've been hospitalized a few times to get IV drips because I'm dehydrated. I'm having a very hard time keeping anything down, and I feel super weak and exhausted all the time. I've lost about 24 pounds so far and I'll be 12 weeks tomorrow.

Is there anything you guys have been able to eat? I've tried the BRAT diet(bananas, rice applesauce toast) but that hasn't worked. I've tried chicken broth, popsicles, crackers, steamed veggies, and dry cereal but nothing stays down. Any food tips?

For meds, I've tried Reglan and Zofran, but neither seem to help at all and generally don't even stay down. I throw up my vitamins too, and I'm worried baby isn't getting enough Folic acid and nutrients.

One tip I've got for you guys: I've found water is easiest at night so anytime I wake up I drink and I can usually finish about a water bottle. Stay hydrated ladies 💖