Tantrums…I need freaking help

So my daughter is 27 months old and she has been severely testing my patience lately. She cries and whines for everything!! Like just some examples today, while in the car she wanted her Elsa song on and was having a fit because I was listening to something else, her shoe fell off and couldn’t get it back on, dinner wasn’t ready yet, she didn’t want to leave daycare because she was playing…the list goes on. I feel I may have made her think having a tantrum is okay because both my husband and I always give into her when she’s having a tantrum. We get to her level, validate her feelings, and give her what she wants. Should I just ignore her until she calms down, then validate her feelings and give her what she wants? I don’t know what else to do…I just don’t want to screw her up by ignoring her.