Body Image During pregnancy


Hi guys. So, back in 2018/2019 I was pregnant with my first baby. I weighed 135 lbs when I got pregnant, and didn’t feel insecure with a single pound that I gained (and I weighed 184 lbs the day I gave birth). However, Over the passed 2 years I have STRUGGLED to get the excess baby weight off. This is heavily due to stress from my marriage as well as a TON of health issues I’ve experienced over these past couple of years. Now, I am 20 weeks pregnant with baby #2 and I weigh 168 lbs. (Same as my pre-pregnancy weight but had lost a few lbs due to morning sickness in the beginning). I am trying to remind myself that I am so blessed to have a child when so many struggle for years and years to have even one baby, and also remind myself that I’m bringing another life into this world. However, I am so hyper-aware of my weight and I’m so cautious of gaining too much weight cause at 5’5 and 168 lbs, I’m already considered “overweight” so I know it’s not necessary for me to gain as much as it was the first time. Fortunately, I have really only craved healthy foods, and I try to be as active as possible (my toddler is hyper af so I’m constantly moving with her) but sometimes I feel too exhausted to work out.

Any one else feel this way and if so, how do you cope? Please no hate, or judgment. Just want to know how you cope