How to make boobs perkier

I’m 21 and have had this issue for so long and it makes me so insecure in my relationships and with my body in general. I think I have what’s called “tubular breasts” where one is bigger and saggier and the other one is perkier and smaller. I would say they’re a cup size in difference.

I know this is totally normal, but I can’t even wear what I want to wear. I feel insecure.

I know only surgery can help, but are there any home remedies I can try? Will massaging make them bigger and perkier or will it just grow one and make both saggy?

I’ve only talked to my doctor about this once and it was years ago! She said that it’s just because of hormones and they will eventually be the same, but I’m 21 now and still have the same problem.

However, I’ve noticed that the one that my bf plays with more (the bigger one) has grown even more. I don’t just want growth, I want them to be perky too.