Phentermine... and being a big ol' b**ch..

I was just curious if anyone that's been "morbidly obeese" (my doctors words) has taken phentermine and has successfully lost a substantial amount of weight? For clarification I'm 5'11 and 340 lbs shaped like a pear. All- most, rather of my weight is my lower region...hips, legs and butt.

I contemplated surgery, but I'm terrified of going under and or complications. I work a very high stress, sedentary job, and to be very frank, I don't have a support system that could allow me to heal while I was down. 12 hour night shifts make it hard for one to find time to be active other than basic needs shopping for the kiddos.

Phentermine is scary. I know this. We talked about ozempic or Saxenda but because I have zero problems as a "fat" person.. (normal BP, sugars and cholesterol) I don't qualify for ozempic and the Saxenda is over 600 dollars a won't cover it... 🙄 I ain't made of money. Lol

Overall I'm not so concerned with my appearance as much as my health. My joints hurt and most of all, I'm not able to do things with my 7 year old that I want because still, society hasn't come to terms with sometimes people are big.

We (she) decided phentermine would be the best route and see where we could go from there. Opinions, testimonials anything but negativity is welcome. 😁