Does this look like DVT or BLood clots? 🥺


Hello, hope you’re well

I felt some pain in my leg in this area 2 days ago, It feels sore and then I noticed these small blue spots. The first day I noticed this I touched it felt warm, now it feels normal not so warm. I can walk normally but can feel soreness in this muscule. It hurts when I press on it. Haven’t noticed swelling or redness. But Im really worried. I had legs ultrasound 10 days ago they said no blood clots, I also had blood work D dimer test it was also clean. I went for check up cause I was feeling some sensation in my legs, also throbbing or as if something was moving inside. I’m confused. I have other medical conditions and I’m scared if this can be dvt or blood clots? Even after I got checked and all came back clear? I’m so stressed and dont know what to do.