How to tell a friend with fertility struggles that I’m pregnant?

**TW- discussion of miscarriage**

Hello everyone,

I found out last week that I’ll be expecting baby #2 next spring. I’m so excited! My husband and I didn’t know if we’d be able to have another since we had a few miscarriages before having our daughter. I also have to take progesterone suppositories to help my through the first trimester. We haven’t told anyone but my mom and the only reason we did was because she’d need to watch our daughter if I end up miscarrying again.

I’m obviously very nervous about the first few weeks but excited to make it through each day. But now, I’m starting to worry about something else. One of my very best friends is struggling with infertility. I don’t plan on telling anyone else until I’m out of the first trimester and that’s still a ways away but how do you recommend I do it? I prefer to tell close friends and family before posting on social media and feel like she deserves to hear from me directly. I just don’t really know how to go about it. Any suggestions?