Cycle day 46, no signs of AF, bfn


I’m now on cycle day 46. Not pregnant (multiple negative tests and no sore breasts or other symptoms). No signs my period is coming any time soon.

Started TTC Nov 2020 (removed birth control). Pregnant in 2 months but a MMC at 8 weeks in March 2021 with D&C and have been trying again since June but opks haven’t been detecting an LH surge since July (so appears no ovulation). Tests thus far rule out PCOS.

Any recommendations? I’m drinking 1-3 cups organic red raspberry leaf tea (since 8/7), taking 2x/day fertility prenatal (called conception), starting weekly acupuncture in a few days, and see a reproductive endocrinologist in 2 weeks. Have a thyroid disorder (Hashimotos) but all thyroid labs are normal/healthy range. Sex 2-3x/week throughout the month.

I’m trying everything and trying not to get frustrated/discouraged. 😔 Thanks in advance!