Should I go to the dr?

For a month or two, I’ve been having knee pain in both knees without doing any kind of exercise. I feel the pain several times a week and sometimes they feel so sore it affects how I walk. And for the last week, I’ve also been experiencing pain in my back where my shoulder blades are and I can’t think of anything that I did to cause it. I was referred to an endocrinologist a few months ago by a diff dr for possible hypothyroidism and I read that joint pain can be a symptom of that. However, it’s been months and I still haven’t heard from the endocrinologist and I’m wondering if I should just go to the dr in case I don’t have hypothyroidism and it’s something else. I’m only 20 so I’m just not sure why else I would be consistently experiencing knee pain like that. Should I just continue to wait for the endocrinologist or should I go to my dr about it?