34+4 false labor ? Contractions stopped. Anyone? 💀

Bꪊꪀꪀꪗ • 23 yo | Twin mom | Mama of 4 | 💍

Background: had my first at 37 weeks exactly. Had nights of contractions like this and went into active labor days after it started.

Had my twins at 35 weeks +6 (had painless contractions every 2 mins and went in and was 6cm with them. Wasn’t in pain until i was 8cm).


I’m kind of glad that it did stop cause i want to make it to 35 weeks at the very least.

But last night i started having irregular contractions at around 6 PM, and then at 9PM they started to hurt a little and got to 2-3 mins apart. I took a hot shower, drank water, laid on my side, and then took a hot bath and they were STILL coming. By 1:30 AM after 4 almost 5 hours of regular contractions every 2 mins it finally faded out as SOON as i got to the hospital. I was 2 cm dilated.. i was closed up a couple weeks prior.


It’s the next day and ive been uncomfortable all day, could barley walk due to pelvic pain. Contractions on and off all day , now back to having regular contractions AGAIN. Lost mucus plug in two big glops today (no blood in it)

I’m so over this crap 💀😭