Just need some reassurance 😕

Rhiannon • After 11+ years of infertility, expecting our first ever baby naturally in 2016
Can anyone reassure me that this is normal??  I am 10+4 today, my first pregnancy after 11.5 years ttc. I'm freaking out slightly that I have no real pg symptoms - no real nausea, no morning sickness, no darkening nipples - I'm just exhausted and don't have a great appetite. Also my boobs aren't aching quite as much this week as they were at the start. I had a scan last week and everything fine, next one is in just under 2 weeks. 
Apparently I am just the same as my mum, but because I'm not feeling "pregnant" like I always imagined, I just can't accept that it's all ok!!  So some reassurance from other Mum's in the same position as me would be much appreciated!!!