
FYI: Graphic Image

So August 19th I started cramping so bad and bleeding heavily. At that time I was 7 weeks and a few days. I went through 2 pads in an hour just soaked. I bled heavy for like a week and a half and then it went to sticky brown discharge for a few days then light blood.

Fast forward to September 5th, I was still bleeding and brown discharge at the same time. I had took a shower and when I got out and drying myself with my towel this fell out of my vagina onto my floor ( Graphic image below) . I’m not sure if this is the “fetus” or what because I thought the pregnancy would have passed through like a blood clot sometime in August due to all that bleeding.

No I haven’t went to see a doctor at all from the time I started bleeding to the day it fell out of me.

Fast forward to today. I started bleeding light yesterday. I haven’t bled since September 5th when that fell out of me all the bleeding stopped completely and no discharge. But yesterday I started bleeding light and it got slightly heavy this morning. Would this be my period? I’m not sure what’s going on with my body just wanted to know if anyone has experienced this or knows what could be happening before I go to the ER.