My Pharmacy Gave Me The Wrong Dose of Epilepsy Medicine


So, about two weeks ago I ended up in the hospital because my pharmacy gave me the wrong dose of epilepsy medicine (Gabapentin). I found out I was taking the wrong medication for about of week, when I began having nonstop seizures while I was awake, I usually on have seizures in my sleep.

My family rushed me to the hospital & ever since then I haven’t felt like myself. As soon as I found out that my medication was wrong, I made sure to start taking the correct dosage. I met with my neurologist & he added something new to add on to the medicine I usually take, to stop the increased seizures.

My question is, is it normal to feel weird after this has happened, and what can I do to make these matters better? Also, since all this has happened, thankfully the increased seizures have slowed down before I started the extra medicine my doctor has given me, so do you think I should take the new medicine he’s given?

Lastly, I’ve been having scary headaches since being in the hospital, so do you think there is any other reason why my doctor recommended the extra medication, like can the extra medicine help with how I’m feeling now?