Has anyone had Metroplasty surgery to correct their Bicornuate Uterus and it actually helped them from having early miscarriages ?


Has anyone ever went through with having surgery to correct their Bicornuate Uterus with Metroplasty Surgery and had successfull pregnancies afterwards. I’ve had 6 early miscarriages and two GYNs have told me my Uterus is the cause of this, but I’ve seen ladies on here and other sites have successful pregnancies with the same type of Uterus. I really don’t wanna have surgery on my Uterus as I’ve read negative review about this surgery as well. Just really trying to see if I’m doing something wrong or what? 😔 I was also told with the type of Uterus I have many women are placed on Progesterone Pills due to the Uterus not producing enough during pregnancy. All this is just so overwhelming and confusing. Any stories of ladies similar to me and what they did differently during a successful pregnancy they finally had would greatly help and I would really appreciate it! ❤️😔