Missed period?

Emma • 22. Married. TTC #1. Cosmetologist.
Alright ladies, I'll keep this as short as I can. I've been on the pill for a year and a few months. It instantly regulated me and calmed my periods down. Everything was fine until about May of this year, then began the new trend. The second full day of my period since then has left me bed ridden and out of anything I had going on that day including work. It's been manageable but it leaves me questioning with my current situation. The past 4-5 months or so, I've been spotting the entire week before my period begins but nothing heavy enough for a tampon. This month was different, last week I bled like I normally would the week before my period but it was a little heavier and I'm not sure if I should count that as my period for the month or not. I am now 3 days late for my period, meaning I past the day that has left me bedridden with heavy cramps and insane blood for months with no cramps or blood whatsoever this month. I have not missed a pill or a period since being on birth control. I am waiting until next week to test just in case I am pregnant. I am just not sure whether to count that heavier spotting from last week as a period or not considering it was a week early and heavier than spotting but not as heavy as my normal periods. Any thoughts or outside opinions are appreciated, thanks!