Baby hiccups everyday

I'm 30 weeks pregnant and been experiencing baby hiccups every single day, sometimes twice a day for the passed 2 weeks, I had a midwife appointment a couple days ago and mentioned it to her since I read on Google that having hiccups this early and frequently could mean the umbilical cord is compressed or something but there's not much evidence. Once I mentioned it to her, she just brushed it off as "it's probably nothing, no one knows why hiccups happen". Sometimes these hiccups are so strong that I feel my whole stomach wobbles with them and it lasts like 5-10 mins, and I'm 100% sure that's what they are as my first son had hiccups but rarely and very late in the pregnancy.

Also baby is very active and has a routine already so I'm not concerned about his movements.

Do I mention this to someone else ASAP? I have a scan in 2 weeks time for a low lying placenta, would they see anything abnormal then?

Anyone have any experience in this?