Advice on ex boyfriend?


At the beginning of August, my former boyfriend of 2 1/2 years broke up with me. I’ve been really trying to focus on myself and it’s been very tough considering I gave everything I had to make the relationship work. But I’ve realized a lot of issues I had in the relationship stemmed from my own insecurities. I have been trying so hard to heal myself by being more active in my college associations and being more social in general. I’ve started going to the gym again just trying to improve myself in every aspect, and to distract myself from having to move on from the person I love the most. I love his family and his mom still texts me to check up on me. I’ve grown very close with them, and I think they liked me a lot. But I’m getting confusing signals from him. He has tried contacting me multiple times and the last time we spoke he said he had been on dating apps (of course it killed me…) but we aren’t together so I can’t be angry. We met on tinder, and he told me that anytime he talks with other women he is trying to replicate what we had… He still admits we have a connection, he cares about me, and how much he misses me. He even told me that he has been trying to think of ways for me to visit him (we were long distance for the last year and a half), but he never acts on those thoughts. I’m lost on how someone could admit these things and still feel like they are not in love anymore.

There are so many more factors that ended our relationship but I need advice and maybe just input on what I should do. Everything online is telling me to ignore him and “get over it”, but I care and love him too much to do that. I feel like I’m becoming a more independent person even after two months but this situation is weighing heavy on my life..

Thanks for reading the long message! I hope everyone is doing well!❤️