16 month old wakes up hungry


I just weaned my 16 month old and he’s doing okay in terms of not missing milk too much, but he’s such a picky eater and will NOT eat a meal. Hardly ever. I’m lucky if I get one meal in him a day.

Some might say that’s typical of a toddler but he wakes up at night screaming crying because he’s hungry or thirsty. Normally he would get milk whenever he wanted at night because we bedshare and I would always nurse him back to sleep. But now that he doesn’t get milk to go to sleep or in the middle of the night, he wakes up crying.

How can I get him to eat more? It’s stressing me out so bad. I’ve been trying new foods, familiar foods, seasoning differently. I can’t do the night wakings anymore.

He constantly goes to the cupboard and grabs a snack and brings it to me throughout the day and will scarf down snack foods. But when it comes to a meal he nearly refuses. Maybe a couple bites and he’s done most of the time. One day he will eat an entire PBJ and the next day he won’t touch it. One day he eats 5 whole nuggets, the next day, he won’t even finish one. I’m trying to switch up his meals but I don’t even know what to give him anymore!

We’re working on cutting out the snacks but I’m at my wits end!