How do I go about this with my mil?


I’ve been with my husband for 3 years, got married a year ago. Ever since I’ve known his mom she’s always been weird with me. She says negative comments such as “your recipes taking long to make… you and your sister don’t look alike… your mom had a lot of you guys” one time she basically wanted me to walk away from my husband from an arguments and posted quotes online for me to say saying to be with someone who treats you right. Anyways, I just found out she talked about me to someone saying “I’m moody… jealous of her relationship with my husband… has to fake it with me at times”. I couldn’t believe this, even my husband said she is jealous cause he’s her only son. He’s supposed to confront her about it and give me an apology and tbh I don’t want an apology because I already know how she is, and probably still is gonna fake it with me. She’s gonna reach out eventually to me and idk what to do, like I’m just done with her fakeness and no reason for not liking me. Like do I tell her maybe it’s better if we don’t communicate? My husband is in the navy and so she only has reached out about him and never about me. Idk what to even say because I will call her out.

NOT TO MENTION, she copied the same wedding ring as me 🤬