Clomid ttc


I just got my period I had a 29 day cycle which is the same as last month This was my second round of clomid 50 mg and haven’t gotten pregnant but I’m getting my period, having a 29 day cycle, and positive opks saying I supposedly ovulated on the correct day we bd every other day and everyday during the peak opks I have pcos and usually only get 2 periods a year so I’m happy to be a least getting my period regularly that shows that something must be working but if it fails again my third try then what was the reason ? Isn’t the clomid working If I’m gettting my period that means the clomid has to be working right? I had gotten pregnant w my first son the first month trying for him no fertility treatments or meds and he is now 6 years old and I can’t seem to get pregnant for baby#2 :(