Possible early baby


Came to hospital late last night lots of vaginal pressure and inconsistent contractions, thought I ruptured finally nurse comes in hooks me up checks me says I’ve dilated 1cm, I was giving a muscle relaxer to calm things down, I must say I was knocked out doctore came in hrs later to check me says I dilated 2cm and got admitted and put In L&D.

By this time still having contractions and lots of pressure I get up to pee and I’m sure this time it’s my water I call nurse I get checked she says yes it was but this time it’s a different doc she says I need steroid for baby’s lungs in cause I go further and then prescribed

Pitocin (here I’m confused because I’m thinking I’m already 35 weeks which is still early but I’m actually a day off 34 I’ll be 35 weeks tonight, and why give me that to speed up labor when he’s still small so fast forward they hold off see what he’s gonna do. Time goes on nothing changes also doc said it wasn’t my water that broke??? So I finally get to move to another room and eat by this point I’m starved, and I’m dilated 3cm 50 or 80% effaced and just waiting to see if I dilate more. Keep baby L in prayers because if I do have him early he’ll be a NICU baby.