Under belly stretch marks - painful - help 🙁

I had severe SPD in my first pregnancy and right across the front of my public bone I was left with a 3” wide stretch mark on my skin, I also have a ‘pooch’ after my first pregnancy so it’s a sensitive area anyway which I try to keep clean and dry etc.

I’m pregnant with number 2 and still have the pouch, I’m starting to feel the tell tale signs of SPD again but the growing pressure of my stomach is making my skin chaf and blister soo soo bad, the skins all peeling off now it’s getting sore.

First thing I want to do Monday is phone my drs but any ideas what I can do in the meantime 😩 it’s so sore! Walking around/ picking my 2 yr old daughter up etc is hard enough with SPD but add in this extra level of discomfort I’m tearing my hair out 😩