Clinic switching birth hospitals .


So I recently moved to Oceanside ca , right up the street from TRICITY hospital. I gave birth there to my youngest last year when I lived in San Marcos , driving there after laboring 5 hours at home until I felt ready to go , was intense because of the traffic just being stupid . Now that I live in Oceanside , my midwife told me at my last check up that they were switching labor and delivery contracts in October , so now all expecting mothers are going to be giving birth at Escondido palomar hospital . I gave birth at palomar before as well with my oldest back in 2016 & at that time I lived in Escondido so it made sense but now it’s like WTF ! I’m in Oceanside , makes more sense to go to TRICITY ! . How am I going to make it on time all the way to Escondido to give birth . Escondido is the worst when it comes to traffic ! So I seriously can’t imagine myself in labor being stuck in reflux going to palomar hospital when I can literally go down the street to TRICITY and give birth . Seriously so frustrating . Have you guys experienced this ?