Is this borderline sexual abuse

I know I made only a few hours ago about my ex boyfriends 19 year old son coming to stay with me. I had seen his dad beat him and pull a gun on him. I always thought he was disrespectful but turns out it was the abuse which is why he's like that. I would text him just to check in and he recently told me he was suicidal. His dad pulled a gun on him again and face fucked him with a gun. He declined at first on living with me but I insisted. He said in the car he has an issue and he needs things but then said nevermind. He has been refusing to sleep.... Always trying to stay awake. Here's the thing. The face fucking him in the mouth with a gun sounded.... Odd. I asked if his dad sexually abused him. He said "Not. Not really". I asked what he meant and he said his dad never touched him but he picked up sexual tension with some of his punishments like fucking him in the mouth with a gun. He also said his dad pulled him out the shower to beat him and make him stay naked and wet and he couldn't put his clothes back on. Also saying his dad would put his fingers in his mouth. He then got awkward and said if he would sweat in his bed his dad would put his face in it. That one was extra weird. I'm like "Your dad got mad if you sweat". But he didn't have much to say to that one. I feel like all of this is borderline sexual abuse. He did say he doesn't believe his dad would have ever actually touched him. I want opinions!

(Also just wanted to say about him making himself not sleep at night. He sent an alarm for a 10 minute nap on his phone like 15 minutes ago and I turned it off. He's slept maybe an hour and half all together these last few days. He needs sleep!)

@K I left his father a long while ago. I picked his son up a few days ago because of the abuse and suicidal thoughts. He's been staying at my place the past few days

@K he doesn't want to because he thinks it's a waste of time because the police have been called a million times. The first time at least that I saw him pull a gun on him(this was he put it to his head. Not face fucked him with it) they put him in jail and he was out in a few days and just went back to court. His son has never had anywhere else to go. Other times the police would take his dad, and just drop him off miles away and his dad would walk back