My husband is blaming me for everything


So I literally just told him that I wanted to do some shopping and I get that he was in his words “just trying to be nice” because he doesn’t want me to spend my money. but before this I told him to let me do my own shopping and not to worry about it because I had everything figured out even if I need to spend the rest of what i have to get food for the family. He started bickering under his breath so I asked him what he was saying. Wanna know what he said?? “ your being so mean” now tell me how am I being mean??? I literally just said I would do all of the shopping so he didn’t need to worry about it and then out of NOWHERE he started blaming me for starting the argument and telling me how I need to stop and kept on going saying that it was my fault that we’re even in an argument. This is not something that has just happened once. I’ve tried communicating with him before any of this fighting actually occurs but apparently that’s not enough. It’s like a cycle of blame and he doesn’t see his own faults. I let him get his words in but it all leads back to how I’m doing something wrong. It’s like everything we talk about leads to an argument and when he doesn’t want to deal with the conversation we need to have to communicate he runs and takes a shower and smokes thinking everything will be fine and go back to normal after he gets out when in all reality everything is NOT FINE. We have a son together and he wants another baby but I honestly think this marriage is wayyyy to toxic to be having another baby. I live with him so I have nowhere to go if I do leave. I get it’s a toxic marriage but I have no idea how to go about leaving him and focus on my own mental health. Any advice is strongly needed. Thanks for listening