Period not normal this month

My period is always regular… On same day every month…. I had what I can guess was thrush as I had yellow clumps in my cervix for 2 days but no smell or itching at all… (I never get this or any other problems down there..)

For some reason my period was 2 weeks late this month but when it come it was spotting and only bright red when I wiped for 4-5 days max! Never anything on pads… and nothing in toilet or blood in my pee??

My usual period consists of spotting a few days before then heavy dark red bleeding with clots before tapering off to spotting at day 7-8

been actively trying to conceive.. I’m sitting here now with my boob sort of hurting (which never hurts) and sort of vvvv faint cramps in uterus (I never get cramps..ever!)

Do I test now or wait? actual period isn’t due until 1st of every month..

Anyone had this before??