Somewhere to vent/let out my fear


I feel like a broken woman tonight 🙁

We’ve not long been in hospital for something else only a few weeks back, tonight our October babe had some sort of seizure and stopped breathing out of nowhere.

She was wandering around the bedroom and I noticed she had become very unsteady on her feet, I pulled her onto my lap and from there she just went totally vacant. My other half had just walked into the house so I called him up to look at her just as she started going white/floppy. We called 999 and they instructed my partner on what to do, i can’t describe how terrified we were, seeing him panic when he’s usually so calm and in control scared me so much, we thought we were going to lose her at one point but she started to come to after some rescue breaths (CPR).

Fortunately the ambulance got to us so quickly and once again I am super grateful for our health care providers. I never ever want to experience anything like that again.

Maisie is fortunately none the wiser as to what’s happened and once we got to the hospital she came around well and the drs are happy with her otherwise, getting herself some much needed sleep now - we just need to get to the bottom of why tonight happened.

Hug your babies tight for me ladies, I truly feared the worst tonight and I don’t know what I would do if faced with that situation 😔