Anyone else have a very shy kid???


So my 2 yr old daughter is very cautious and shy when we are out doing things and it has me wondering if I need to be worried about the “social” part. For instance when we’re at the park instead of playing with other kids she does a lot of standing and watching. We have to tell her or ask if she wants to swing, slide… etc. She does much better when there’s not a lot of people there. Doesn’t really play in splash pads unless mom or dad plays with her and even then she won’t get all the way in. We went to a pumpkin patch when we were on vacation and she wouldn’t do anything. Wouldn’t take pictures, wouldn’t pick flowers. Today we went to a trick or treat event outside and she wouldn’t go up to the people giving out candy. We had to carry her on our hip and have the people drop the candy in her bucket. We have taken her to a drive through petting zoo and she doesn’t like BIG animals up close. My in laws have a horse and she’ll ask to go see her but when we get to her she just likes to see from afar. At birthday parties she’s glued to my hip and if someone says hi she turns away and hides into me. It takes her a long time to get comfortable in crowds. I can remember being shy and quiet but is this an age thing? Maybe a personality thing? Her cousins are about the same age and are way more adventurous. Because of COVID we have kept her home a lot and we have a 5 month old baby. Please tell me I’m not the only one with a shy kid and she will get better with time. 🤞🏻🙏🏻